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A Guide for Children and Young People - Living in a Children's Home

A Guide for Children and Young People - Living in a Children's Home

Each children’s home must produce a Children’s Guide which is specific to that home. Whilst the children and young people can have access to the Statement of Purpose, it is a lengthy document designed to provide information to adults. The Children’s Guide is more child / young person friendly, and provides the following.

The Children’s Guide must be made available to all children when their placement in the home is agreed (or on arrival at the home if the placement is made in an emergency).

The Children’s Guide must be age appropriate and provided in an accessible format. Workers in the home should go through the guide with each child to make sure they understand it.

The Children’s Guide should help children to understand the following:

  • The day to day routines of the home (‘what happens in the home’);
  • The information which the home keeps on them and why including who it might be shared with;
  • Their right to access their case file;
  • The care and support they will receive while living in the home;
  • How to make a complaint in line with the home’s Complaints Procedure;
  • Where young people can find further information.

The Children’s Guide should be reviewed regularly (at least annually); this review should incorporate feedback from children and young people living in the home.

Last Updated: July 2, 2024
